Kimberly Oakes's Website
Learn fundamental robotics concepts such as kinematics with application to a robotic arm in an open-ended project.
Robotics 1
Recommended Prior Knowledge and Skills
Linear algebra (Most utilized)
Multiplication of matrices and vectors
Manipulation of matrices (inverse, transpose)
Familiarity with a programming language
Linear time-invariant (LTI) systems
Familiarity with transfer functions
Knowledge of basic LTI characteristics
Differential equations
Familiarity with definition and solution of differential equations up to second order
Familiarity with defining optimization problems
Familiarity with some optimization solution techniques
Desired Course Outcomes
Students will be able to:
Describe a robotic arm in terms of joint types, rotation/translation axes, and link lengths
Implement and understand forward kinematics methods
Implement and understand inverse kinematics methods
Define manipulator Jacobian and identify its singularities
Generate end effector and joint angle paths and trajectories
Implement basic feedback control to improve trajectory tracking
Implement course theory on hardware
Implement theory for a topic outside course scope on hardware
Understand the parameters of the standard manipulator dynamic equations
Course Deliverables
Homework assignments: mixture written and coding
Two in-class exams
Final project
Some demonstration of fundamentals
Demonstration of "new task"
Video, report, and presentation
6000 level only
Additional homework assignment
Research paper summary
About The Robot
Dofbot from Yahboom
- 5 joint axes (plus 1 for gripper open/close)
- Equipped with Nvidia's Jetson Nano
- Equipped with RGB camera
- Python and ROS capable
Some Past Project "New Tasks"
Colored block stacking
Movement variation based on color detection
Trajectory smoothing